Experience of Encountering Human Capabilities and Challenges
One might interchangeably refer to the capabilities and functions of living beings, and it is through exhaustive utilization that evolution occurs. This is something universally understood from experience, and it holds true academically as well.
On the other hand, functions that are not necessary and remain unused do not improve, and if there is no need for their use, they can be regarded as unnecessary. If a function is unnecessary in a particular environment, it does not pose a problem. However, when the environment changes, there is often a high demand for those abilities.
In such situations, a person’s stance, attitude, and mindset can significantly influence their subsequent life. Specifically, a person who was a student and becomes a working professional undergoes a major environmental change, a scenario that aligns with this case. The mindset at that moment can greatly impact their life thereafter.
Current new employees have significantly limited social experience. Although this is reiterated every year, the unique circumstance in recent times is the current batch of new employees who were students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Even when compared to the pre-pandemic era, their level of experience is notably low.
This lack of experience inevitably leads to a deficiency in fundamental levels of functions and abilities essential for professionals. It is understandable given the circumstances of the past three years, during which student life has been quite challenging. However, what exacerbates the issue is the lack of the right mindset.
If a function or ability has not developed, it can be cultivated. That is a clear perspective. However, the concerning issue is the absence of the mindset necessary to nurture functions and abilities. The period of student life during the unproductive phase of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to the adoption of unfavorable mindsets.
Due to the absence of the correct mindset, the development of necessary functions and abilities becomes challenging. Moreover, there are numerous cases where individuals hinder the cultivation of the required functions and abilities.
For students who have not encountered the usual difficulties that one would face during their academic years or overcome challenges in social life, the tendency, upon becoming professionals, is to not overcome but to blame the world, seeing everything around them as problematic. This orientation does not lead toward problem-solving and is not conducive to productive work. Consequently, progress toward enhancing capabilities is hindered.
Changing the mindset for adults beyond the age of twenty is a challenging task. Fundamentally, individuals must encounter difficulties, experience moments of despair, and somehow navigate through situations to gain the required experience.
However, the current generation of newcomers, even before encountering such scenes, tends to file complaints against the company, blaming the organization or the surroundings. The human resources department, perhaps fearing legal repercussions, accommodates these complaints, adding unnecessary burdens to the surroundings to meet the demands of new employees. The current corporate structure has become one where experiences that lead to breaking through such situations are virtually non-existent.
As this generation grows, the organization itself may become unsustainable. It is not about protecting new employees; this abnormal situation is unlikely to last long. It will likely result in a burden on a certain group of people, ending in an irrational situation where those burdened simply incur losses.
