The determination to finish one project and start a new activity is a familiar sentiment each time I enter the phase of taking a break. There is a desire to take a momentary rest, a feeling many can emotionally relate to.
Having devoted intense focus, sometimes neglecting sleep and meals, to a project that has now reached its conclusion, one might express the need for a recharge period before embarking on the next endeavor.
However, precisely because it is such a juncture, it is advisable to initiate a period of exploration and activity, even without a clearly defined purpose, before the commencement of the next project. Deliberately starting an independent project can be beneficial. Resisting the temptation of a recharging period, making the decision to keep moving forward, is crucial.
Similar to the law of inertia, once the momentum of activity comes to a halt, it takes time for individuals to start moving again. This is an experience almost everyone can relate to. Regardless of the theme or purpose, to continue forward at a similar level of activity, it is desirable to keep moving without a hiatus.
There may be a perspective of searching for themes where needs are already evident. However, it might also be worthwhile to search for themes that have not yet surfaced but align with one’s ideal. This is because the currently evident needs are often challenging in terms of feasibility.
The ideal theme for oneself may be challenging to pursue as a professional task, and during busy work, it can be difficult to allocate explicit time for contemplation. The period immediately following the completion of a project provides an opportunity for such contemplation. Instead of pondering in front of the desk, engaging in activities such as moving physically, meeting people, and exploring can be fruitful, utilizing the available time and energy.
It is worth reiterating the importance of transitioning to the above activities without a prolonged hiatus. Allocating time for conversations with people, even without a clearly defined purpose, may lead to discoveries. Treasures might lie dormant in the things that have been overlooked until now.